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Top 7 zobrazených vlajek v Libanonu Česká republika

2024-12-13 19:52:43
Top 7 zobrazených vlajek v Libanonu

Libanon je krásná země, jejíž vlajky mají zvláštní příběh. Není to jen kus látky, je to vlajka lásky, hrdosti a naděje. Všude v Libanonu můžete vidět vlajky vlající ve větru.

It can be beautiful and it means something, the Lebanese flag. There are two red stripes at the top and bottom that represent the heroi cprapor vlajky people who struggled to make their country free. The white area in the center symbolizes peace. The most pláž vlastní vlajka special part is the green cedar tree in the middle, which represents how strong and beautiful Lebanon is.

You will notice the flags cast here and there when you visit Lebanon. There is a giant flag the size of half a football field at the large prapor vlajky pláže Rafic Hariri Airport! This huge flag greets visitors when planes land and keeps them excited about the country.

Another big flag flies high, in Byblos, an ancient town with a very old castle. Here, the flag is beautiful against the old stone walls, one speaks history and one courage. You would even find a flag deep below the ground inside Jeita, a mystical place with underground caves.

Lebanon’s biggest city, Beirut, is decorated with flags. In the center of the city, in Martyrs Square, a flag flies high atop a tall pole. This flag is nationally visible and makes people proud and happy.


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